North Indian Raga
Transcultural & Improvised Music
Contemporary Raga Invention: Explorations in Raga-space
Experiments of Truth Suite
Coltrane: A Universal Guru
Arts-Based Research
Universal Tonality and Revolutionary Sound-Worlding
Raga Music as Transindividual Sono-Ritual in the Context of Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga
Sono-Fictioning: Horizons of Thought and Sound
becoming-song: contemplative transnomadic sono-fictioning
Sonic Mandalas of Becoming: an experimental sono-poetic arts-based inquiry
Anima: A Transdisciplinary Art-Event
Archetypal Sound-worlds and Raga-Creations
Raga Parameshwari as Sono-ritual: The architectonics of Ragas as Yantra-in-Duration
The Shrutiphone
Sono-rituals and raga-becomings
Music, Mandalas, Time, and Yoga
How to Find the Center of Your Own Existence
From Jazz to Sri Aurobindo – Discussing the Power of Vibration, Music, & Current Events
Academic Publications & Conferences
Jonathan Kay
Jazz/Improvisation & Indian Classical Music • Saxophones – Bansuri – Esraj – Shakuhachi
North Indian Raga
Transcultural & Improvised Music
Contemporary Raga Invention: Explorations in Raga-space
Experiments of Truth Suite
Coltrane: A Universal Guru
Arts-Based Research
Universal Tonality and Revolutionary Sound-Worlding
Raga Music as Transindividual Sono-Ritual in the Context of Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga
Sono-Fictioning: Horizons of Thought and Sound
becoming-song: contemplative transnomadic sono-fictioning
Sonic Mandalas of Becoming: an experimental sono-poetic arts-based inquiry
Anima: A Transdisciplinary Art-Event
Archetypal Sound-worlds and Raga-Creations
Raga Parameshwari as Sono-ritual: The architectonics of Ragas as Yantra-in-Duration
The Shrutiphone
Sono-rituals and raga-becomings
Music, Mandalas, Time, and Yoga
How to Find the Center of Your Own Existence
From Jazz to Sri Aurobindo – Discussing the Power of Vibration, Music, & Current Events
Academic Publications & Conferences
Times Of India-Spotlight
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